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Finding documents

To populate the database, please run the examples from the previous section of the tutorial as we will be using the same setup here.

Finding documents

The basic syntax for finding multiple documents in the database is to call the class method find() or it's synonym find_many() with some search criteria (see next section):

findresult = Product.find(search_criteria)

This returns a FindMany object, which can be used to access the results in different ways. To loop through the results, use a for loop:

for result in Product.find(search_criteria):

If you prefer a list of the results, then you can call to_list() method:

result = Product.find(search_criteria).to_list()

To get the first document, you can use .first_or_none() method. It returns the first found document or None, if no documents were found.

result = Product.find(search_criteria).first_or_none()

Search criteria

As search criteria, Bunnet supports Python-based syntax. For comparisons Python comparison operators can be used on the class fields (and nested fields):

products = Product.find(Product.price < 10).to_list()

This is supported for the following operators: ==, >, >=, <, <=, !=. Other MongoDB query operators can be used with the included wrappers. For example, the $in operator can be used as follows:

from bunnet.operators import In

products = Product.find(
    In(, ["Chocolate", "Fruits"])

The whole list of the find query operators can be found here.

For more complex cases native PyMongo syntax is also supported:

products = Product.find({"price": 1000}).to_list()

Finding single documents

Sometimes you will only need to find a single document. If you are searching by id, then you can use the get method:

bar = Product.get("608da169eb9e17281f0ab2ff").run()

To find a single document via a single search criterion, you can use the find_one method:

bar = ~Product.get("608da169eb9e17281f0ab2ff")

The ~ prefix can replace run methods of any query here and later.

To find a single document via a searching criteria, you can use the find_one method:

bar = Product.find_one( == "Peanut Bar").run()

More complex queries

Multiple search criteria

If you have multiple criteria to search against, you can pass them as separate arguments to any of the find functions:

chocolates = Product.find( == "Chocolate",
    Product.price < 5

Alternatively, you can chain find methods:

chocolates = Product
              .find( == "Chocolate")
              .find(Product.price < 5).to_list()


Sorting can be done with the sort method.

You can pass it one or multiple fields to sort by. You may optionally specify a + or - (denoting ascending and descending respectively).

chocolates = Product.find( == "Chocolate").sort(-Product.price,

You can also specify fields as strings or as tuples:

chocolates = Product.find( == "Chocolate").sort("-price","+name").to_list()

chocolates = Product.find( == "Chocolate").sort(
        (Product.price, pymongo.DESCENDING),
        (, pymongo.ASCENDING),

Skip and limit

To skip a certain number of documents, or limit the total number of elements returned, the skip and limit methods can be used:

chocolates = Product.find( == "Chocolate").skip(2).to_list()

chocolates = Product.find( == "Chocolate").limit(2).to_list()


When only a part of a document is required, projections can save a lot of database bandwidth and processing. For simple projections we can just define a pydantic model with the required fields and pass it to project() method:

class ProductShortView(BaseModel):
    name: str
    price: float

chocolates = Product.find( == "Chocolate").project(ProductShortView).to_list()

For more complex projections an inner Settings class with a projection field can be added:

class ProductView(BaseModel):
    name: str
    category: str

    class Settings:
        projection = {"name": 1, "category": "$"}

chocolates = Product.find( == "Chocolate").project(ProductView).to_list()

Finding all documents

If you ever want to find all documents, you can use the find_all() class method. This is equivalent to find({}).