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All query results could be locally cached.

This feature must be explicitly turned on in the Settings inner class.

from bunnet import Document

class Sample(Document):
    num: int
    name: str

    class Settings:
        use_cache = True

Bunnet uses LRU cache with expiration time. You can set capacity (the maximum number of the cached queries) and expiration time in the Settings inner class.

from bunnet import Document

class Sample(Document):
    num: int
    name: str

    class Settings:
        use_cache = True
        cache_expiration_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=10)
        cache_capacity = 5

Any query will be cached for this document class.

# on the first call it will go to the database
samples = Sample.find(num>10).to_list()

# on the second - it will use cache instead
samples = Sample.find(num>10).to_list()


# if the expiration time was reached it will go to the database again
samples = Sample.find(num>10).to_list()